Full Stack / Graphic

About Me

Based Out of San Diego, California.

A Quick Bio

I am Rahshuan Sharpe, a student in current pursuit of obtaining a bachelors degree in Computer Science since 2018. I've worked Remotely as a Freelancer since January 2019, bulding websites for clients using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and CMS builders(Live site below). My experience freelancing gave me experience being given a task and completing it in a timely manner. I enjoyed the JavaScript process so much I dove deeper and building it ina timely manner. Not only that it also sharpened my skills in html and css, this sparked my interest in html email development (Examples below). during this I discovered React giving me experience with UI components. My most notable React projects are the Covid 19 tracker(Link) and the Playstation 5 UI dashbord(Down below). I also integrated content management systems with my freelance, pushing me to learn PHP and MySQL databases. Full stack development is something I love to do because, it gives me versatility when bringing dreams into reality.

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What I Do

Idea - Design - Develop - Test - Launch

Email Development

HTML, HTML Tables, CSS, SCSS, Bootstrap

Front End

JavaScript(es6), React, React Hooks, Next js, HTML, CSS.


MySQL, PHP, Node js, express

Graphic Design

Photoshop, Sketch, Gimp, Lightworks

My Works

Check back often for project updates!

  • All
  • Email Dev
  • React Apps
  • Live Websites

Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right. If everything did, you’d be out of a job.

- Mosher’s Law of Software Engineering

When I wrote this code, only God and I understood what I did. Now only God knows.

- Mr. Jonathon Doe

“Programming made the impossible possible. You can have a null object and a constant variable.”

- Mr. Jonathon Doe